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Heads of state and governments are controlled by evil laws 各國元首座機,軍鑑故障,航班取消的原因,關係各國生死權,人民與道場被邪法藏傳印度控制。


TO: Governments of various countries,

Can you focus more on spiritual education, because all matter is created by the mind. When the overall karma (sin) of the mind is heavier, the matter will be unstable, prone to malfunctions, or accidents, or the cause cannot be found. Such as military surveillance failures in various countries, flight cancellations, etc. 1 Japanese Emperor Naruhito's plane broke down and he switched to a backup plane to travel. 2 The Canadian Prime Minister was forced to stay in India for an extra night due to a "private plane malfunction". The British air traffic control system was outsourced! Thousands of flights canceled, passengers stranded overseas, 4 equipment malfunctioned at the Prime Minister's residence! Japanese Prime Minister Kishida moved to a hotel. The Yomiuri Shimbun: A very rare 5 Prigozine plane malfunctioned before takeoff? 6 Britain’s cutting-edge aircraft carrier HMS Prince of Wales has frequent malfunctions

Reduce the entertainment industry, reduce sex trade or AV actress business, video games, development and construction, reduce meat consumption, eat more vegetables, and focus on moral education. An industry that reduces collective negative energy, because when the collective negative energy is too large, the devil, Satan, or darkness can easily control the normality or malfunction of the material, which is related to the survival and safety of everyone’s heads of state. No matter how much money they have, they will not be able to use services and materials. Learn how to protect your positive energy from being used by people with negative energy or people from evil realms.

According to the teachings of the Bible or Buddhist scriptures, I do things to safeguard fairness and justice, such as assisting Ukraine in border defense, stopping the war and peace talks and material reconstruction. I need to help straighten the ashram and teach the Dharma, but I have been attacked by darkness. Because Ukraine is bearing the karma of the whole world, this country is purely an agricultural and food-producing country, and it has also become an area that the darkness wants to control, which is related to the life of Europe. In the church, the pastor is responsible for the sins and protection of the people. In the Buddhist ashram, it is the mage, and the upper level is the gods and Buddhas. At home, generally speaking, he is the kindest person in the family, and he is also the kindest person in Europe - Ukraine is responsible for Taiwan bears the responsibility for shared responsibility in Asia, while Israel and Palestine shoulder the responsibility in the Middle East. If the governments of all countries have no moral integrity and do not pay attention to this issue, eventually resources will be like Ukraine, where they will not be used.

Like Ukraine, which is hungry, you can’t buy more food due to rising prices in other countries, and the same goes for services.

For example, children in Ukraine cannot receive education. Due to the war, many of your education and school units are unable to go to school and receive education due to certain factors.


將藏傳和印度等人事驅逐出境,或請他們回印度或自己國家,禁止邪法傳播再影響更多民眾來對抗政府,可以減少政治不清明與政府受控制。Deporting Tibetan and Indian personnel, or asking them to return to India or their own country, prohibiting the spread of evil practices and influencing more people to resist the government can reduce political uncertainty and government control.

1. It is forbidden to spread evil laws and evil views to people. The laws in areas such as India and Tibet should be suspended first, because there are evil views mixed in them - such as dual cultivation and the use of demonic spiritual power, which will increase the power of the devil. However, supplies and medical aid can be provided, but we must be cautious and educate for good, otherwise the evil forces will increase and the Dharma rectification will be weaker. Because most people who are born in evil ways will not listen to advice after being told a hundred times, I will give advice to disadvantaged friends in the local area who really need it.

2. Clean up the negative energy industries in your own country: drugs, tobacco, alcohol, video games, fraud, pornography, vegetarianism, leftover food waste disposal, etc. You can use the Surangama Sutra. Government policies must be cautious, as they will affect the body and mind of practitioners. We are poisoned and cannot protect the country and the head of government.

3. Increase love and help people in suffering countries, but make them do good and not do evil. I advise countries at war to reconcile, heads of states, please help, because we are all one body, one body, one is prosperous, one is harmed.

4. Strengthen moral education, ethics and moral education.

Japan's Emperor Naruhito's plane malfunctions and he uses a backup plane to travel

Unexpectedly, the Emperor's plane had a temporary breakdown and had to be replaced by a backup plane.

October 15, 2023

Thousands of people bought a thousand-yuan Christmas cake online and it "severely crashed" Hidaka Shimaya apologized: The reason could not be found

Liu Zheqi

December 27, 2023 %80%B6%E8%AA%95%E8%9B%8B%E7%B3%95-%E5%9A%B4%E9%87%8D%E5%B4%A9%E5%A3%9E-%E6 %97%A5%E9%AB%98%E5%B3%B6%E5%B1%8B%E9%81%93%E6%AD%89-%E6%9F%A5%E4%B8%8D%E5% 87%BA%E5%8E%9F%E5%9B%A0-043408433.html

Relations between the two countries are tense! The Canadian Prime Minister was forced to stay in India for one more night due to "private plane failure" E5%8A%A0%E6%8B%BF%E5%A4%A7%E7%B8%BD%E7%90%86%E5%8D%BB%E5%9B%A0-%E5%B0%88%E6 %A9%9F%E6%95%85%E9%9A%9C-%E8%A2%AB%E8%BF%AB%E5%A4%9A%E5%BE%85%E5%8D%B0%E5% BA%A61%E6%99%9A-072344063.html

Prigozine plane malfunctioned before takeoff? The flight attendant who died in the accident posted a post revealing that the delay was unexplained and was being "repaired." %B5%B7%E9%A3%9B%E5%89%8D%E6%95%85%E9%9A%9C-%E7%BD%B9%E9%9B%A3%E7%A9%BA%E5% A7%90%E8%B2%BC%E6%96%87%E6%9B%9D-%E4%B8%8D%E6%98%8E%E5%8E%9F%E5%9B%A0%E5%BB %B6%E8%AA%A4%E4%B8%94%E6%AD%A3%E5%9C%A8-%E7%B6%AD%E4%BF%AE-221514797.html

In fact, there is no virtue

Hundreds of planes in Europe and America grounded due to use of fake parts

British media revealed that a company registered at the address of a common rental house in Sussex sold counterfeit parts to aircraft manufacturers, causing safety risks. It has forced hundreds of Airbus A320s and Boeing 737s...

October 13, 2023

The British air traffic control system is out of contract! Thousands of flights canceled, passengers stranded overseas

The British National Air Traffic Services (NATS) system experienced a brief failure on the 28th, and air traffic controllers were forced to switch to a manual system. Although the fault has been eliminated, the failure has affected flights to and from the UK...

.August 30, 2023

There is an equipment malfunction at the Prime Minister's residence! Japanese Prime Minister Kishida changes his stay to a hotel. The Yomiuri Shimbun: Quite rare.

2023-11-24 15:01

Britain's new aircraft carrier "Prince of Wales" has frequent malfunctions

Since its official commissioning in December 2019, the Royal Navy's newest aircraft carrier "Prince of Wales" has spent only 267 days at sea and spent as many as 411 days on maintenance and overhaul. Now, thanks to a "in millimeters...

.May 24, 2023

Faults in military identification of various countries -kPlueksAs&ved=0ahUKEwiMvNSTr6-DAxUD0DQHHZYzCbYQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=%E6%95%85%E9%9A%9C+%E8%BB%8D%E9%91%91&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LW5ld3MiDeaVhemanCDou43pkZEyCBA AGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBDIIEAAYgAQYogQyCBAAGIAEGKIEMggQABiABBiiBEimUFDnCljETXAAeACQAQGYAXugAa8OqgEEMTQuN7gBA8gBAPgBAcICCBAhGKABGMMEwgIFECEYoAGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-news



您們可以著重在靈性教育多一些嗎,因為一切物質由心造,當心靈全體業力(罪)更重時,物質會不穩定狀態,容易故障,或意外,或查不出原因。像各國軍鑑故障,航班取消..等等都是。1日本德仁天皇座機故障 改搭備用飛機出行,2加拿大總理卻因「專機故障」被迫多待印度1晚3英國空中交通管制系統出包!上千航班取消 旅客滯留海外4首相公邸設備發生故障!日相岸田改住飯店 讀賣新聞:相當罕見5普里格津飛機起飛前故障?6英國新銳航母“威爾士親王”號故障頻出



[註4] 好市多 物品壞掉 2023年新聞很多,因為眾生無德時,買回去的東西,在他的業力能量區,一夕就呈現腐敗了,不是物品問題,可能來自好市多店家的德本不夠去庇護他的物質穩定狀況,美國行善積德,更重要—要先止惡止漏。萬佛聖城推動因果根本陳述給民眾,楞嚴咒為輔助,否則國際戰事多,以日常新聞的下方留言,不斷教化(輔—短期,急用),學校教育也很重要(長期為主)。


如今的飢餓是因為人們離開農業,他會無因緣看到食物可吃,因為資糧用盡的人,會像在惡道,看不到食物,或吃不 到特定蔬果,因為在惡道,妄念區,魔眷才可以干擾許多眾生,很多眾生被相吸引,因為德資糧已用盡了。因為家中有農地,但母親為了租金收入,不願釋出自種,而她和姐愈吃愈少,因為人們離開農地,我得另外找出租農地。







日本德仁天皇座機故障 改搭備用飛機出行



千人網購千元耶誕蛋糕「嚴重崩壞」 日高島屋道歉:查不出原因






使用假零件 歐美上百架飛機停飛



英國空中交通管制系統出包!上千航班取消 旅客滯留海外



首相公邸設備發生故障!日相岸田改住飯店 讀賣新聞:相當罕見

2023-11-24 15:01





航班 取消


Lamas controlling government officials. In order for the Democratic Progressive Party to be in power and fight against China, they have been giving out money before the election to obtain the approval vote of the people, because Lamas have long controlled their consciousness to be anti-China and given them wrong news.

TO: Governments of various countries and Shifang Dojo

From Taiwan

Evidence 1 of Lamas controlling government officials. In order for the Democratic Progressive Party to be in power and fight against China, they have been giving out money before the election to obtain the approval vote of the people, because Lamas have long controlled their consciousness to be anti-China and given them wrong news.

Government money issue incident

The devil designed me to extract my resources and spend them with the Taiwanese government, but I also shouldered the responsibility of Ukraine, which made Ukraine and I both poor. We used Taiwan to spend money all the time, but it came from the same resource bank. While working hard to create karma, while working hard to shoulder the common karma, he was invaded by Russia (Tibetan) and wanted to occupy other people's assets and use them until death. It even affects and controls China. It cannot spend money and can only keep working and making money to spend in Taiwan. No wonder China wants to attack Taiwan more and more. The main reason is that Mara controls the sovereignty of the Sangha. Everyone will have to go to hell in the future.

If you withdraw the merits of blessings and spend them early, and enjoy them all, all sentient beings will be poor and it’s time to die. According to the devil’s policy, if you withdraw the merits of the entire Sangha and keep distributing money, the government will be in danger of bankruptcy or become even more in debt. This has been the case in recent years because the Buddhist Sangha does not uphold the Shurangama Mantra and the Shurangama Ashram is now controlled in Taiwan.

As a result, prices have risen, and many poor people who have not applied for any subsidies can no longer afford food. The more you receive, the more your spiritual life declines, because the material resources are extracted and spent on material enjoyment.

This is also the reason for the drought and lack of rain in the past three months and the sharp rise in prices.


No one has received the sudden "30,000 yuan payment"! 470,000 people received it, limited to 4 days

This is because the Ministry of the Interior has launched the "Support Project for Owner-occupied Residential Housing Loan Households below the Middle Class" in order to reduce the pressure on mortgage borrowers, providing a direct subsidy of 30,000 yuan to each household.


The government has distributed unpaid leave subsidies to workers in 7 industries "up to RMB 55,000"

Each person can receive up to 9,200 yuan per month. For example, a full-time employee whose average monthly insured salary from 1 month to 3 months before the implementation of overtime breaks is NT$45,800, and the actual agreed salary during the overtime break period negotiated with the employer is NT$30,000, can be compensated according to regulations Apply for monthly salary subsidy (45,800 yuan-30,000 yuan) × 50% = 7,900 yuan. %8C%E6%A5%AD%E5%8B%9E%E5%B7%A5%E3%80%8C%E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98%E9%A0%9855%E8%90%AC %E3%80%8D%E7%84%A1%E8%96%AA%E5%81%87%E8%A3%9C%E8%B2%BC-093650289.html


Attention 1.5 million people! The Ministry of Culture distributes money on 1/20, 1,200 yuan for 7 years, 2 ways to enlarge the subsidy and earn more

It will be issued starting from January 20, 2024 next year. Taking 16 years old and above as an example, it can be received 7 times in a row, which can be used for watching Chinese movies, watching performances, buying books, visiting museums, buying cultural and creative products and other arts and cultural consumption. Use The period ends on December 31 next year.


The government is sending more money! "This group" can lead up to 19,000

The 2013 budget is expected to increase by 3.99 billion yuan, totaling 11.27 billion yuan. It is estimated that 95,000 children will benefit in 1 year.

The monthly subsidy for a family with only one child who moves to a public child care center will be increased from 8,500 yuan to 13,000 yuan.

December 24, 2023

The Bureau of Labor Insurance has a year-end giveaway! Money will be distributed in 3 days this week, "up to 98,000 yuan", more than 1.77 million people are ready to use their bankbooks

According to statistics previously released by the Bureau of Labor Insurance, there are nearly 1.771 million households receiving labor insurance annuity benefits this year, with an approved amount of 33.08 billion yuan, or 18,700 yuan per capita (the actual payment depends on the individual’s insurance status). Overall, about 2,000 people can benefit Received more than 40,000 yuan. Also recorded on the 28th, there were about 2,647 employees receiving employment insurance annuity benefits, with an amount of about 40.3 million yuan, or 15,000 yuan per capita.

The amount of national insurance old-age annuity benefits approved this year is about 5.56 billion yuan, and nearly 1.4118 million people can receive it, with an average per capita of 3,939 yuan; the national insurance funeral benefits, which were also recorded on the 29th, were distributed to 863 people across the country, with an approved amount of about 84.674 million yuan, and an average per capita pension of 9.8 10,000 yuan; the National Security Survivor Annuity payment will also be remitted to the accounts of 119,000 people, with an amount of approximately 490 million yuan issued, and an average of 4,127 yuan per person. %94%BE%E9%80%81-%E6%9C%AC%E5%91%A83%E5%A4%A9%E7%99%BC%E9%8C%A2-%E6%9C%80%E9 %AB%98%E9%A0%989-8%E8%90%AC-%E9%80%BE177%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E6%BA%96%E5%82%99% E5%88%B7%E5%AD%98%E6%91%BA-030000170.html


The government will increase money distribution in 2024! The "monthly allowance increase" is also credited in advance, and the amount can be viewed at once

December 13, 2023

The Double Ninth Festival Respect for the Aged Fund has been distributed in New Taipei and Kaohsiung! Get up to 20,000, 1.2 million people can get it quickly

It will be distributed by the 29th District Office at designated locations starting from October 21st. It is estimated that 703,687 people will benefit, with a total disbursement amount of more than NT$1.2 billion. E4%BA%86-%E6%9C%80%E9%AB%98%E6%8B%BF2%E8%90%AC-120%E8%90%AC%E4%BA%BA%E5%BF%AB %E9%A0%98-081600478.html

December 22, 2023

The Executive Yuan has distributed money! Military, public and educational personnel can receive up to "2.5 months of year-end bonus" and the time of deposit is revealed

The Executive Yuan has sent letters to agencies across the country, stating that year-end work bonuses for the military, public education and education will be credited to their accounts on January 31 next year. In addition to the 1.5-month year-end bonus, military and public education personnel also have performance appraisal bonuses. 75% of the military and public education personnel can receive a first-class performance appraisal, so they can receive a one-month performance appraisal bonus. In other words, most military and public education personnel receive a performance appraisal bonus in the lunar calendar. You can receive 2.5 months' bonus before the Chinese New Year. E8%BB%8D%E5%85%AC%E6%95%99%E5%8F%AF%E9%A0%98-2-5%E5%80%8B%E6%9C%88%E5%B9% B4%E7%B5%82%E7%8D%8E%E9%87%91-%E5%85%A5%E5%B8%B3%E6%99%82%E9%96%93%E6%9B%9D %E5%85%89-010506640.html


Hurry up and use your passbook! People born before this day can receive up to 20,000 yuan from the government’s money payment, and the deadline for receiving it is coming soon.

Those aged 65 to 79 will receive 1,500 yuan each; those aged 90 to 99 will receive 5,000 yuan; those aged 100 and above will receive 20,000 yuan.

The Kaohsiung Double Ninth Festival Elderly Allowance is available until January 2, 2024, and it is estimated that nearly 530,000 people will benefit.


Up to 8,000 yuan per household! Rushing to get money for Christmas, the Department of Land and Resources urges you to apply for "rent subsidy" quickly: the last 7 days

The Executive Yuan's "30 billion yuan central government expanded rent subsidy project plan" is about to end on December 31. The Land and Resources Administration of the Ministry of the Interior (formerly the Building and Construction Department) stated that as of December 20, more than 540,000 households have applied for and accepted cases, with a monthly subsidy of 2,000 Rent ranges from RMB 1,000 to RMB 8,000


Thirteen government benefits including the National Pension were raised, with a maximum monthly increase of 1,190 yuan

In the national pension part, there are 4 items including the basic guaranteed annuity for the elderly, the added amount of the pension for the elderly, the basic guarantee amount for the survivors’ pension, and the aboriginal benefits.


The government sends money to provide subsidies for "three types of home appliances" for a limited time! Each household can receive up to 5,000 yuan. Here’s a guide on how much to receive and when to apply.

When it comes time to investigate, the obscene demon will run away (case 2-3).

Chen Jianzhou,

Yan Ya Lun

More spending money

Evidence of lamas controlling government officials, media and Buddhist monks in Taiwan 2

2023-12-26 The middle-aged and elderly are listed as Ke Wenzhe’s policy, because I wrote to all units on 11/27.

Ko Wenzhe proposed that foreign migrant workers return to the market, impose a "head tax", and encourage the middle-aged and elderly people to return to the workplace. This became Ke Wenzhe’s policy. Until the December 27 election is about to be considered, or to attack Ke Wenzhe's policies, the DPP now has a middle-aged and elderly policy + a policy of giving out 30,000 to 60,000 yuan. People need to think about it, these billions to tens of billions will cost people’s tax money, there is no free lunch in the world.


Starting from January next year, the Ministry of Labor will offer incentives for the employment of the working generation. If you are an unemployed worker or retiree over 55 years old, you can receive 30,000 yuan as long as you have been employed stably for 3 months, and you can receive 60,000 yuan after working for 6 months. , it is expected to call on 100,000 retirees to enter the workplace to alleviate the lack of work. %BA%A6%E5%B0%B1%E6%A5%AD-%E6%94%BF%E5%BA%9C%E5%8A%A0%E7%A2%BC%E7%99%BC6%E8% 90%AC%E7%8D%8E%E5%8B%B5%E9%87%91-064100085.html

2023-12-26 The middle-aged and elderly people are listed as part of Ke Wenzhe’s policy.

Ke Wenzhe talks about the declining birthrate and aging population, and the strong generation over 65 years old are returning to the workplace.

Regarding the issue of aging, Ko Wenzhe did not mention subsidies and instead focused on the "prime generation" plan; he believed that people over 65 years old can still work voluntarily. In Japan, 25% of the elderly and in South Korea, 36% of the prime-age generation are still working in the workplace, while in Taiwan, only 9% is relatively low. Once the elderly lose their jobs and have no source of income, they often dare not consume, go out, and interact with society. , significantly increasing the risk of dementia and disability.

Ko reiterated that he was not "forcing" the older generation to work longer, but was amending relevant laws to allow the elderly to freely choose whether to continue working according to their own wishes and abilities, so that the elderly can be transformed from a burden to society into an asset to society and establish a A Datong society in which "the old will be able to die, the strong will be useful, and the young will be able to grow"! %8C%96-%E9%AB%98%E9%BD%A1%E5%8C%96-65%E6%AD%B2%E4%BB%A5%E4%B8%8A%E5%A3%AF% E4%B8%96%E4%BB%A3%E9%87%8D%E5%9B%9E%E8%81%B7%E5%A0%B4-071401133.html

From 11/27 to 12/5, I wrote to contact various units and asked them to mainly consider those after 45 years old as middle-aged and elderly people, rather than those after 65 years old. However, I did not ask for subsidies. I hope that the government will improve employers’ views and through education . It’s not about giving out money all the time.

The transferred letter you sent to the "Presidential Office Website Letter to the President" on November 29, 2020 (No.: 2023025740, passed by the President of the Executive Yuan E-mail No.: 141-112039448) was handed over to this department for processing. Regarding your feedback I would like to explain to you the following issues related to the "Retirement Preparation Training Subsidy Implementation Plan for the Middle-aged and Elderly Persons" (hereinafter referred to as the "Re-employment Preparation Plan for the Middle-aged and Elderly Persons"):

1. In order to support the re-employment of middle-aged and elderly people, this department implements the assistance measures related to vocational training in Articles 3 and 9 of the Retirement Subsidy Measures for Middle-aged and Elderly Persons and Reemployment Subsidy Measures for the Elderly, and specifically stipulates that the middle-aged and elderly people will be re-employed after retirement. Outplacement programs.

2. The middle-aged and elderly refers to those who are over 45 years old and under 65 years old; the elderly refer to those who are over 65 years old. The provisions of point 6 of the post-retirement re-employment plan for the selected elderly are omitted to subsidize employers to assign senior citizens aged 64 and above to participate in vocational training to prepare for post-retirement re-employment, and open recruitment by domestic training institutions The training courses are limited to; therefore, the participants of the post-retirement reemployment program subsidy for the middle-aged and elderly people are those who are 64 years old.

3. In addition, in order to support the stable employment of middle-aged and elderly people and implement the provisions of Chapter 2 and Article 25 of the Measures for Stable Employment of Middle-aged and Elderly Persons at Work, this Department has formulated "









突「發錢3萬」誰還沒領!47萬人領到了 限時4天



政府發錢了 7行業勞工「最高領5.5萬」無薪假補貼



150萬人注意!文化部1/20發錢 1200元連領7年 2招放大補助賺更多







勞保局歲末大放送!本周3天發錢「最高領9.8萬」 逾177萬人準備刷存摺






重陽敬老金 新北、高雄發錢了! 最高拿2萬 120萬人快領



行政院發錢了!軍公教最高可領「2.5個月年終獎金」 入帳時間曝光







1戶最多8千元!聖誕節趕著發錢 國土署籲快申請「租金補貼」:最後7天



國民年金等13項政府給付調高 最多月增1190元








9. 一向專念的念佛道場,淨宗學會,最快被滲入邪法,為什麼?佛陀來時教導各法門,從來沒有只教念佛,少了《金剛經》講:「是法平等無有高下。」 ,如果沒有法法平等,念佛法門或禪修勢力太大,楞嚴法門愈小,責任愈重,法門交流後,最後消失,《法滅盡經》上說得清清楚楚:末法時代,《楞嚴經》先滅,其餘的經典跟著就滅了。 如今楞嚴社團在臉書上已都封閉或被攻擊停擺或變極少人數[1][2][3][4][5],靈巖山寺法界聖寺彌陀聖寺台北印經協會(如圖—點入看近法會已變成念佛),原專持楞嚴咒都被置換變化成念佛了或漸漸減量楞嚴咒,在如今清出百件犯罪事件,其他國家仍有更多。最後顯示都是被邪法入侵,代表邪法盛正法衰,危機顯現,楞嚴道場變成念佛法會,已顯示楞嚴法門快滅了,原本是保護他人法門(因:施),自己法門也會被保護及強大(果:受),若大勢力的法門無平等心,最後因果,因為無德本,照顧或侵略其他法門(因—無施),也會滅了自己法門(果),最後整個佛教就滅了(果)。


Yun Chien Tsai

from Taiwan

Phone:+886 968389500


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印度有三州共80%土地種罌粟毒品(很大區域) 近 11.2 萬名農民獲得罌粟種植許可證(2023) 世界毒品/種植區匯總 不要連結印度惡道 業力重 會各地崩坍 像他們一樣 關貿易門保護自己

#楞嚴咒 #毒品 #農民 #罌粟 #印度 #世界毒品 最近台灣新聞頻頻攻擊中國,應該是為了想繼續欺騙我們,因為我發覺實際靈性中國和台灣是緊密一體的, 一真法界。 中國,你要小心一點,台灣被附身魔眾的政府最近一直發錢,好像在害中國,因為形成一體,物質拿太多了,...



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