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Being Rejected Cornerstone

作家相片: LilyLily


#TheBible #ACT 4:11 Jesus is "The stone you builders rejected, which has become the #cornerstone" #聖經 #使徒行傳 4:11 耶穌是你們匠人所棄的石頭,已成了房角的頭塊石頭。

42 耶穌說:


你們難道沒有讀過這段經文嗎? 43 所以,我告訴你們,將把上帝的國從你們那裡奪去,賜給結果子的人。 44 凡跌在這石頭上的人,一定粉身碎骨;這石頭落在誰身上,就會把誰砸爛。

45 祭司長和法利賽人聽了耶穌的比喻,明白是針對他們講的。

Matthew 21:42 New King James Version (NKJV)

42 Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:

“‘The stone the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes’[a]?

43 “Therefore I tell you that the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people who will produce its fruit. 44 Anyone who falls on this stone will be broken to pieces; anyone on whom it falls will be crushed.”[b]

45 When the chief priests and the Pharisees heard Jesus’ parables, they knew he was talking about them.

工匠丟棄的石頭, 石頭指的是人, 傳道人, 當他愈想行愈正道, 光愈亮時, 因為他不願苟合在道場/寺廟/教會的風格, 最後, 眾人都難以與其相處, 他而出走或被棄離。

Charles(Chuck) was a 41-year-old stone worker and have been studying in the Bible and Dead Sea Scrolls since he was 6. I asked him about why a cornerstone is very important? He told me that cornerstone is the first stone in the foundation which other stones will align it. Charles 以前是一個41歲搬石工人且從他6歲起專注於研讀聖經以及古卷。我問他有關 #房角石 問題,他告訴我房角石是第一顆地基的石頭,之後所有的石頭都要對齊它而排列。他在我眼中,是像房角石穩定而強而有力,有獨一性且很有個性特色的石頭。

Cornerstone -- Jesus is "The stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone"

The pic was quoted from 這張圖片來源來自lds網站

In my opinion, being rejected miracle workers and #mightycompanions who are interested in getting in Living Miracle Center I have met. Like Karly, Porfirio. They are strong, silent like unique cornerstone. Because they eagerly wanted to enter that holy place, but the darkness has strongly blocked them which means the darkness made many misunderstanding between brothers and sisters like the Book of The Lifetimes when Jesus and Buddha Knew Each Other says. The ego has already set up some prejudgements and conflicts (like culture, belief, thoughts, personalities and habits differences) among them before Jesus and Buddha met. Like the more important person is, the more obstacles he will meet.

在我的想法中,這些我遇到對進入LMC有興趣學習的奇蹟志工和威武的同伴被阻擋或被拒絕的,像是Karly, Porfirio與Steven. 他們很堅強及沈默的個性像是唯一的房角石。因為他們非常想要進入那個神聖的地方,但黑暗勢力會強力阻撓他們。這代表黑暗勢力會製造弟兄與姐妹間的許多的誤解,像是這本書 -- 耶穌與佛陀的六世情緣:告別娑婆外傳說的。潛意識的自我,在耶穌與佛佗他們遇見彼此之前,已經事先設下一些成見與衝突,像是文化,信仰,想法,個人特質和習慣的不同。這個人愈重要,他所遇見的阻礙會愈大。

Steven is a person who participated in Strawberry Festival by riding his motorcycle and slept in the street. I think that he is quite great like sleeping on rocks.

Personal experiences

In 2014, I met David D, my ex-boyfriend and later we broke up in 2016. Later, I met a missionary named David healing my heart's pain in June 2018. Then I met a child of local pastor, whose name is David spitting saliva to me and I could not get mad at him because I need to preach a course in miracles to members in churches in May 2018. I started to find out A course in miracles in the end of 2017 in my teacher, Monica's place and to know David's teachings and met David H. in July in 2018. This month, Nov. 2018, through reading Gary's book -- The lifetimes when Jesus and Buddha knew each other, I realized that the ego tried to give me bad impression about "David" (David Hoffmeister) before meeting him.



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