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Russia let Ukraine people lose their education, and your allies lost edu as TW, CH, UK..etc.

作家相片: LilyLily

(Because of) how you (Russia/you) treat people (Ukraine), Ukrainian children lose their education

Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine has destroyed more than 1,300 schools.

The double blow of epidemic and war has caused learning gaps among Ukrainian children E6%89%93%E6%93%8A-%E7%83%8F%E5%85%8B%E8%98%AD%E5%AD%A9%E7%AB%A5%E5%AD%B8%E7 %BF%92%E6%96%B7%E5%B1%A4-042501338.html

(Result) How will the retribution treat you (Taiwan)? Losing education has caused the 3 million children in Xi Jinping School in China to also lose education.

There are 16 days left for the four private universities to withdraw. "Unless there is a miracle", they may not be able to escape the fate of suspending enrollment... Taiwan is "worse than dead". These departments are in crisis

[Exit Battle 2-2] 3 schools will withdraw, 4 schools are pending review. Analysis of why Taiwan’s higher education has set off this wave of withdrawals

"Cliff-shaped" vacancies in tertiary education admissions; teaching groups estimate that 40 schools will face withdrawal in the next five years =714&tbm=nws&sxsrf=AB5stBgBFAJU_pGDof-CVWJGhVrS_zvaiA%3A1693491135324&ei=v5_wZIK9E8KH-Abizp_oDQ&ved=0ahUKEwjCmLSMioeBAxXCA噈94KHWLnB90Q4dUDCA 0&uact=5&oq=%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E3%80%80%E9%97%9C%E9%96% 89&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LW5ld3MiD-Wkp-WtuOOAgOmXnOmWiTIFEAAYgARI9CVQ3BhYmCFwAHgAkAEBmAGSEqABzx6qAQ0yLTEuMC4yLjEuOS0xuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIFECEYoAGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz- news&fbclid=IwAR0g5CGn2ENnyTlYoz8ceCVrrPrzFmLD05LUEZ7YhxFFwesO7LRZEly0PpI

Countries must treat each other sincerely, otherwise universities in each country will suffer consequences. Children will not be able to study, and will be hungry or in pain, because Ukraine and more countries are also suffering from violence. Since 4 years, countries have slowly become one, and cause and effect Interactive traction.

TO: Putin,

Please let the children in Tibet go, otherwise the cause and effect will make you fight for the rest of your life. Let all the people in Tibet go home, sign a peace contract, and ensure their safety. Return to Tibet and stop fighting.

Because you and Xi Jinping become one and share resources, the war between your two countries has prevented Ukrainian children from studying (cause), Taiwanese schools have also been closed (effect), and 3 million Chinese schools have also lost education (effect)

Peaceful coexistence! Even if you encounter it in this life, you will still encounter it in the next life. Or repay the cause and effect as others. When sin comes, just pay it back and do good deeds. It is impossible to end a war with war. The only way is to forgive, forgive, forgive, and calm down for yourself. Retreat and be harmonious.

You invaded Kiev in Ukraine, and he invaded your Moscow. Can you think about the people? Otherwise, in the next life, you have to prepare to be poor and abused. Putin, you suffered so much violence as a child, have you ever thought about it? It’s you now, in violent Ukraine. Whatever you do to Ukraine, I will do the same. After China is my mother, so will Xi Jinping. Do you still want to fight? Instead of getting rid of Tibet/Taiwan, you will be fine. All countries will destroy you together, because wherever karma goes, those good people will become evil, cause and effect. It's not a problem with a specific person, it's a problem with someone you owe something to, and it's the same wherever you go.

TO: Governments of all countries, because of the war between Ukraine and Russia, our students are unable to study. There are hundreds of school buildings in Ukraine, Taiwan, China, and the United Kingdom that have problems, making it impossible for children to go to school (results). Please cease the war, otherwise, we will all Become like the poor people and broken buildings in India.

TO: Tibetan Tradition, His Holiness the Dalai Lama and Karmapa

You like to use violence and war to solve the old grudges between Tibet and China. Please solve it yourself. But using violence to fight violence has never been able to solve the problem in history. It can only be solved temporarily. Basically, we still forgive each other. , don’t drag all the countries around the world to suffer together, and Taiwan doesn’t want to participate.

as follows:

The two children, then four and five years old, had just enrolled in a boarding kindergarten set up by the Chinese government in my hometown of Gannan, a semi-nomadic region in the northeastern corner of the Tibetan Plateau. I personally identified 160 such new schools in three Tibetan counties alone. They are part of the Beijing government's ever-expanding kindergarten education network. In these schools, Tibetan children are separated from their families and communities and assimilated into Han culture.

The number of school children in China has dropped by nearly 3 million, threatening to trigger a wave of school closures

shock! Hundreds of schools in the UK have unsafe buildings and authorities have ordered them to close

Dissolve the methods of war, promote vegetarianism, release animals, protect animals, and stop killing. If we continue to fight, we will all be like sentient beings in the lower realms, like India, where all the good deeds we have done before will be gone.



疫情 戰爭雙重打擊 烏克蘭孩童學習斷層

(果) 果報怎麼待你(台灣),失去教育,使中國習近平學校兒童300萬也失去教育


【退場大作戰2-2】3校將退場、4校正待審 解析台灣高教為何掀起這波退場潮

大專招生「斷崖式」缺額 教團估未來五年40校面臨退場噈94KHWLnB90Q4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=%E5%A4%A7%E5%AD%B8%E3%80%80%E9%97%9C%E9%96%89&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LW5ld3MiD-Wkp-WtuOOAgOmXnOmWiTIFEAAYgARI9CVQ3BhYmCFwAHgAkAEBmAGSEqABzx6qAQ0yLTEuMC4yLjEuOS0xuAEDyAEA-AEBwgIFECEYoAGIBgE&sclient=gws-wiz-news&fbclid=IwAR0g5CGn2ENnyTlYoz8ceCVrrPrzFmLD05LUEZ7YhxFFwesO7LRZEly0PpI












中國學童數銳減近300萬 恐掀學校倒閉潮

驚!英國百所學校建物不安全 當局勒令停課

化解戰爭方式,推廣素食,放生,護生,停止殺。 再打下去,我們都會像在惡道的眾生,像印度這樣,自身以前做的善事功德都沒有了。




印度有三州共80%土地種罌粟毒品(很大區域) 近 11.2 萬名農民獲得罌粟種植許可證(2023) 世界毒品/種植區匯總 不要連結印度惡道 業力重 會各地崩坍 像他們一樣 關貿易門保護自己

#楞嚴咒 #毒品 #農民 #罌粟 #印度 #世界毒品 最近台灣新聞頻頻攻擊中國,應該是為了想繼續欺騙我們,因為我發覺實際靈性中國和台灣是緊密一體的, 一真法界。 中國,你要小心一點,台灣被附身魔眾的政府最近一直發錢,好像在害中國,因為形成一體,物質拿太多了,...



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