Lama consciousness controls almost all Buddhist monasteries in India and Taiwan, causing Taiwan, the United States and China to fight against each other. When we are tired of fighting, India will take over the world. Learn forgiveness and kindness to each other that is the only way to get peaceful. TO: Master Hsuan Hua
Tzu Chi in Taiwan, Dharma Drum Mountain, etc., etc., went directly to India without struggling. They have been controlled by consciousness for a long time. All living beings must take good care of themselves, including finances, body, and body.
(I will slowly add the events where Xi Jinping and I worked simultaneously, first the health insurance events 02/16, 02/17)
Xi Jinping is not a bad person. He is a lama who controls important personnel in Taiwan to influence the conflict between Taiwan and the mainland. For example, he often talks about going to war because they have too serious dual cultivation of men and women. Therefore, the Chinese government vigorously suppresses all religions in the mainland. Originally, every religion No problem. When you grow up enough, the lama will take over and control the leading guru of each family. The lama will turn us around and control all the Buddhist monasteries and masters in Taiwan. It’s not that they are incapable of fighting, because they can’t distinguish or It has been controlled for a long time, let us fight ourselves, the United States fights China, and finally India will dominate the world. 9/17 News-India has prepared firepower on the Sino-Indian border.
Every time China comes to oppress Taiwan (fruit), it’s because Taiwan’s dojos bully me or don’t believe in me (cause). They don’t believe in my fruit status, so they turn to China to bully Taiwan’s international (fruit), because cause and effect is not human. question. Xi Jinping has suppressed many Tibetan schools of Wuming, which may cause them to want to destroy the Chinese government. In terms of cause and effect, it is the same for everyone. The lamas themselves committed evil. If everyone knows about their evil deeds, the consequences will still be the same.
Because he often does things at the same time as me. This year, I reduced health insurance expenditures to make him in debt, and he also reduced health insurance expenditures to reduce debts. I planted trees, and he also planted trees. I don’t like fishing, and he doesn’t allow Taiwanese fish to be exported to China. The Taiwanese government and media think that China is oppressing Taiwan. In fact, this is not the case. It is because spirituality is based on overall karma considerations. For example, many things are being done simultaneously. The only thing is that Taiwan has water. They flooded it because they encouraged Russia to attack Ukraine. As a result, karma He gave it back to himself, and the Dragon King allowed Hong Kong and China to flood. The Taiwanese media has long reported errors and brainwashing, making the people deepen their resentment against China and Xi Jinping. Because Taiwan loves religion so much, China dislikes religion very much. In fact, the two ends of the mirror do not exist at all, emptiness.
Don’t start a war. The biggest manipulator behind the scenes is probably the lama who lets us fight ourselves and keeps saying that there is a war. Last year I came into contact with the Tibetan Dharma and I kept seeing wars. It may be that the Tibetan Dharma conference caused too much How scared? I'm not sure about that yet.
Because Tibetan people do not believe in their own karma, they always think that China is targeting them. In fact, it is not the case. Even if there is no China, karma will still be settled with the Tibetans, so by controlling me, they bully China.
Lamas have long controlled Taiwan's ashram, influenced the media, and pitted Taiwan against China. Therefore, sometimes China is controlled by lamas practicing Dharma, which is why China is sometimes good to Taiwan and sometimes bad. Because the Lama wants to use the power of Taiwan and the United States to suppress China and make China and the United States unable to fight. In the end, more demons from their Wuming Academy will come out.
I read "Why are the bodies of girls often carried out from the back doors of these temples?" 》
This article made me feel uneasy for several hours, because of the rampant beastly behavior of those evil lamas, as well as for those flower-like children who died innocently, and for those Han monks and lay people who madly promote Lamaism.
The so-called great Buddhist virtues are so obscene and evil, it has reached the point of suffocation, but some people still want to sing for the devil
Praising virtues and providing wealth and sex, I lived among such crazy relatives, and I often felt heart-pounding pain.
Targeting China, India will build the world's highest altitude military airport next to the Sino-Indian border. India is controlled by China.
[NOWnews Today's News] China has recently reported a series of high-level personnel changes, including many senior officials and generals promoted by Xi Jinping, which has attracted attention from the international community and speculated that this means extreme instability within the CCP. Well-known Hong Kong critic [Yan Chun Gou] (
) posted on [Facebook] on the 17th ( issued an article stating that China’s internal and external situation has deteriorated rapidly in a short period of time, which was unimaginable a year ago. It is believed that Xi Jinping has “betrayed relatives, shaken his foundation, and fallen into isolation.” situation". %A6%AA%E4%BF%A1-%E7%BF%92%E8%BF%91%E5%B9%B3%E6%8C%A8%E6%89%B9%E6%9C%89%E5% A6%82%E5%B4%87%E7%A6%8E%E7%9A%87%E5%B8%9D-070145317.html
China is the clone of Taiwan, and the reality is born. Many times in different events, we are one, and everything that happens will be connected, and all the countries in the world are also one. No one is an enemy.
At that time, there was an accident at a power plant in Ukraine for the first time. A day or two later, 5 million households in Taiwan experienced power outages, including mine. So does South Korea. After that, there were several smaller ones. I was in a small group at Puli Temple and happened to read a similar scripture on a dark night. . . .
Taiwan had a great time on Halloween, zooming in on the foreign minister, while South Korea had a much bigger time and had a lot of fun, just trampling and injuring a lot of people
Tainan's Lai Ching-te went to South Korea to send greetings on behalf of Taiwan. Why did Lai Ching-te go? He also held a Halloween celebration, and Taiwan should exercise restraint.
Taiwan’s medical reform 02-16, China also has medical reform 02-16 or 17,
Because I initiated the movement towards balance of payments in the Ksitigarbha group, more than 68 poor countries around the world went bankrupt, so they began to reform health insurance.
I left a letter and told the Taiwan government that reforms should be made in small steps to avoid affecting China's security, because a small step for Taiwan will magnify the foreign minister, and a big step for China will be reflected by other countries everywhere. One flower will make the world.
"Grey-haired revolution" broke out in many places in China simultaneously to protest against the CCP's medical insurance reform
There is a new system for the partial burden of health insurance. Here is a picture of how to charge for outpatient drugs and emergency care! Director of National Health Insurance Shi Chongliang: Implementation as soon as possible
The new system of health insurance partially covers Wushasha! A table to help you understand the differences in adjustments - Heho Health
Ksitigarbha Dedicated Group, you have been invited to join the "Millions of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Holy Name Meditation Group"! Please click the link below to join the community! JjW2Rid-88
TO:宣化上人, 台灣慈濟,法鼓山..等道場,沒有掙扎,就直接去印度了,早就被意識控制了,眾生要好好照顧自己,財務色身也是。 (我再慢慢補上我和習近平同步做事的事件,先補上健保事件02/16, 02/17)
習近平不是壞人,是喇嘛的控制台灣的重要人事,去影響台灣與大陸對立,例如常說要打戰,因為他們男女雙修的太嚴重,所以,中國政府才強力打壓內陸所有宗教,原本每一宗教都沒問題,喇嘛等你們成長夠大時,就接收控制一家家的領導上師,喇嘛把我們搞的團團轉,控制台灣所有佛教道場及上師,他們不是無能力對抗,因為分不清或是早就被控制,讓我們自己打自己,美國打中國,最後印度再一統天下。 9/17新聞-印度已經準備好中印邊境的火力。 中國每次來壓迫台灣(果),是因為台灣各道場欺負我或不信我之後(因),他們不信我的果位,就換中國來欺負台灣的國際(果),因為因果,不是人的問題。習近平,打壓藏傳五明學院許多,可能引起他們想滅掉中國政府,以因果來說,換誰都一樣,喇嘛自己造惡,若大家知道他們的惡行,果報還是會如此。 因為他常和我同步做事,今年我處理健保支出減少讓其負債,他也處理健保支出減少負債,我種樹,他也種樹,我不喜歡漁,他也不准台灣出口漁至中國,台灣政府與媒體以為中國在欺壓台灣,其實不是,是因為靈性基於整體業力考量,諸如很多事同步在做,唯一,台灣有水,他們淹大水,因為他們鼓勵俄羅斯打烏克蘭,結果業力又還給他自己,龍王才讓其香港,中國淹水,台灣媒體長期報導錯誤兼洗腦,讓人民加深對中國,習近平的怨恨。因為台灣太愛宗教了,所以,造成中國很不喜歡宗教,鏡子的二端,其實他根本也不存在,空性。 戰爭不要打了,背後可能最大操控者是,喇嘛讓我們自己打自己,一直宣說要戰爭了,去年我接觸藏傳的法,也會一直看到戰爭,可能是藏傳的法會引起太多恐懼?這點我還不確定。
因為藏傳的人不信是自身的因果業力,所以一直以為是中國針對他們,其實不是,即使沒有中國,業力仍會跟藏人算,所以透過控制我,去欺壓中國。 喇嘛長期控制台灣道場,影響媒體,讓台灣和中國對立。所以,中國有時被喇嘛修法控制,才會中國對台灣一下子好,一下不好。因為喇嘛想要透過台灣和美國的勢力去壓制中國,讓中美打到無力,最後他們五明學院更多妖魔就可以出來.
所謂的佛教大德行如此淫惡,已經到了令人窒息的地步了,可是偏偏有人還要為惡魔歌 功頌德,提供財色,我就生活在如此痴狂的親眷中間,常常感受著錐心般的疼痛。 針對中國 印度將在中印邊界旁建設世界最高海拔軍用機場,印度被中國控制 [NOWnews今日新聞] 中國近來傳出一連串高階人事異動,其中不乏習近平一手提拔的高官和將領,引起國際社會關注,紛紛推測這意味著中共內部極度不穩定。香港知名評論家[顏純鈎](
中國多地同時爆發「白髮革命」 抗議中共醫保改革
健保部分負擔新制霧颯颯!一張表格帶你看懂調整差異 - Heho健康
地藏迴向群組,您已被邀請加入「百萬地藏菩薩聖號共修群」!請點選以下連結加入社群! TO: 俄羅斯政府普丁您好,
9/17 針對中國 印度將在中印邊界旁建設世界最高海拔軍用機場
Vortexa Ltd 的數據顯示,世界第3大原油進口國印度,4月進口俄羅斯原油單日達到168萬桶,創歷史新紀錄,較去年同期成長6倍。去年,俄羅斯超過伊拉克和沙烏地阿拉伯,成為印度最大的石油進口國。